
Vorsicht vor diesem Broker! Ich habe in den zehn Jahren meines Handelslebens noch nie einen derart betrügerischen Broker getroffen! Marktpreise werden exorbitant manipuliert und entsprechen kaum den realen Marktpreisen! Manchmal bis zu 8-10 Pips zum Vorteil des Brokers ohne Angabe von Gründen! Negative Positionen werden vom Broker automatisch geschlossen, um Verluste zu maximieren! Einzahlungen ohne Verifizierung und Handel sind erlaubt, jedoch nur über Krypto, unter Einhaltung aller Vorschriften! Auszahlungen werden systematisch storniert und nicht bearbeitet! Einmal eingezahlt, ist das Geld für immer weg!

Das Folgende ist die ursprüngliche Empfehlung

Beware of this broker! In 10 years of trading, never encountered such a fraudulent broker even remotely! Market prices are manipulated exorbitantly and hardly ever correspond to the real market prices! Sometimes up to 8-10 pips for the broker's advantage without any reason! Positions in the negative are automatically closed by the broker to maximize losses! Deposits without verification and trading are allowed but only via crypto, complying with all regulations! Withdrawals are systematically canceled and not processed! Once deposited, the money is gone forever!

2024-02-28 16:57

Allen Antworten

xChief Team

2024-03-05 00:18

Dear PastorFX It is very good that you are experienced trader and most likely you know that "Market execution" mode means that confirmed order price can be different from those you see in the order window, its called positive or negative slippage (btw, don’t forget you can always use a Limit orders to avoid slippage). Regarding automatically closed positions, according to the rules it may happens only in case of automatic stop-out, when margin level reaches 30%. We regret if you have faced with any difficulties in understanding the rules of the services, but our support team certainly can help you to clear understand all things, if you contact them. Have a nice week! Best wishes, xChief Team

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