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BCR 15% Bonus

Participation Details
Period: January 1, 2024 - January 31, 2024

All clients participating in this Promotion must open an account and make their Promotion margin deposit within this time frame.

The Promotion is only available to clients in jurisdictions where such Promotions are permitted by law.

Trading accounts that are Alpha accounts/Affiliate accounts or those that are funded via credit card are not eligible for this Promotion.

Closing orders held for less than 1 minute will not be counted towards the activity's required trading volume.

The Promotion will be limited to one participating account per client, and each client is eligible for only one Promotion and cannot claim multiple Promotions on his trading account.

Existing Clients
In order for existing clients to participate in this Promotion, BCR has to be notified in advance, so that margin deposits, turnover and withdrawal can be calculated from the start of the Promotion. Calculations made before the Promotion starts will not be taken into consideration. The existing client acknowledges that he has to comply with the Terms and Conditions of the Promotion.

New Clients
New traders with BCR will need to register and fund a new Standard Account to participate in this Promotion. All calculations associated with the Promotion will start at the time of account funding.

Opening a new trading account under the Promotion means the client acknowledges that he has read, and agreed to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, as well as by BCR’s Product Guide and Terms of Service. Clients must be in compliance with all account opening and trading requirements specified by BCR.

BCR will not be responsible for any delays in receiving margin deposits caused by the processing times associated with various payment method providers.

Participation Criteria
TURNOVER REQUIREMENTS: Client must trade a number of lots equal to the Credit Bonus X 20% in round-turn lots.
-Client must fulfill the Turnover Requirements before he can withdraw any of the promotion margin, or Credit Bonus will be forfeited.
-Trading profit is available for immediate withdrawal, excluding any fees, swap, commissions, or rebates due to BCR or Referral Parties.
* The maximum credit bonus per client (one account per client) is $5000. The minimum unit of credit bonus is ten digits.
* The following products have no point value: #AUS200, #GER40, #EUSTX50, #ESP35, #FRA40, #UK100, and all Shares.

Turnover Requirements
TURNOVER REQUIREMENTS 40 round-turn lots (200 x 0.2)

Other Considerations
The client acknowledges that in the event he makes a withdrawal of margin related to this Promotion in violation of the withdrawal rules after he has earned his Credit Bonus, BCR is entitled to deduct an amount equal to the Credit Bonus earned.

The client acknowledges that in the event he does not fulfill the Promotion Turnover Requirements within the specified timeframe after he has earned his Credit Bonus, BCR is entitled to deduct an amount equal to the Credit Bonus earned.

The client acknowledges that in the event that no transactions occur within 60 days of depositing the Promotion margin, BCR is entitled to automatically deduct an amount equal to the Credit Bonus earned from his BCR trading account.

The client acknowledges that in the event his trading account balance at any time becomes less than or equal to zero, or the trading account equity becomes less than Credit Bonus earned, BCR is entitled to automatically deduct an amount equal to the Credit Bonus from the client’s trading account. If the client’s trading account has open positions, the account will be set to "liquidation only", and will no longer be able to open new positions. Once the client closes all open positions, BCR will deduct an amount equal to the Credit Bonus.

The client acknowledges in the event that any credit bonus or equivalent value of received item is deducted from the client’s trading account because the client has failed to fulfill the requirements of the promotion, the client accepts that he or she has lost his or her eligibility in the promotion after the deduction is executed, and any bonus or item or equivalent value of received item is permanently forfeited. If the client wishes to participate in the promotion again, or any other promotion offered by BCR, his or her participation will be determined at BCR’s discretion.

In the event that it has a reason to suspect that a client has abused or attempted to abuse the Promotion or has used specific programs or otherwise acted with a lack of good faith, BCR reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to deny, withhold or withdraw from client his eligibility to participate in the Promotion, even in cases where the client met the conditions set on above clauses, and if necessary, to cancel any Terms and Conditions with respect to that client, either temporarily or permanently, or terminate that client’s access to the service and/or block client’s account.

BCR reserves the right to modify, change or terminate this Promotion at any time, without the consent of the client. BCR also reserves the right to modify terms of this Promotion without any notice.

The client acknowledges that margin and leveraged products involve a high level of risk. When trading in such products, the client understands that it is possible to lose all of his capital. These products may not be suitable for everyone, and the client should ensure that he or she understands the risk involved. The client should seek independent advice if necessary.

Attention Existing Clients - Only margin deposited and trades executed after you join the promotion will be applied to promotional requirements. All margin deposited and trades executed prior to joining the promotion will not count. The trading volume of each bonus cycle is calculated on a first-in, first-out basis. After the completion of a bonus cycle, all calculations of margin-in and trade volume will be reset. If there is a credit bonus or promotional item at the same time, the credit bonus will be calculated first.

Once the Credit Bonus has been deposited into a Client’s account, the Client is bound to follow the Terms and Conditions of the Promotion. The Client acknowledges that if he makes a withdrawal of any of the Promotion Margin (excluding Bonus deposits) before the Turnover requirements have been fulfilled, then all Credit Bonus shall be deducted immediately, regardless if the Credit Bonus was earned from Initial or Additional Margin.
2024-01-08 13:42
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