plus d'un an

Courtier en ordures ! Service client poubelle ! Le retrait a échoué, j'ai demandé au service client ce qui l'avait causé, mais ils ont refusé de répondre directement à ma question et m'ont demandé de contacter mon responsable de compte, mais il n'a pas non plus résolu mon problème. A bout de souffle, ils ne savent que se déresponsabiliser et ne peuvent résoudre aucun problème.

Voici la recommandation originale

Trash broker! Trash customer service! Withdrawal failed, I asked customer service what caused it, but they refused to answer my question directly and asked me to contact my account manager, but he did not solve my problem, too. Speechless, they only know how to shirk responsibility from each other and can't solve any problems.

2022-11-27 10:31

Toutes les réponses

Grand Capital

2022-11-29 04:32

Hello! We are sorry to learn that you are not satisfied with the service. Please note, that in some cases processing a withdrawal request indeed requires the manager's attention. In any case, we would like to investigate the issue. Please, report your account ID or contact us by email support@grandcapital.net

Traduire en français




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