plus d'un an

bonjour monsieur j'ai fait une demande de retrait, veuillez la clarifier ID-8614743 bonjour monsieur hmm pouvez-vous approuver ma demande de retrait ? J'ai demandé un prêt d'un montant de 20 000 dollars à la banque où de l'argent doit être déposé en raison de quoi j'hésite à retirer de l'argent. Je me suis fixé comme objectif d'investir plus d'argent dans votre entreprise, pour cela j'ai demandé un prêt bancaire Où êtes-vous allé ? monsieur pouvez-vous approuver ma demande? Bonjour monsieur monsieur Feedback du service financier Quand le

Voici la recommandation originale

hello sir I have made a withdrawal request, please clear it up ID-8614743 hello sir hmm can you approve my withdrawal request? I have applied for a loan amounting to 20 thousand dollars from the bank where some money has to be deposited due to which I am reluctant to withdraw some money. I have set a goal to invest more money in your company, for that I have applied for a bank loan Where did you go? sir can you approve my application? Hello sir sir Feedback from the financial department When the

2023-04-13 00:08

Toutes les réponses


2023-04-13 00:13

, according to the customer's transaction income in Cowtrading Foreign Exchange Securities Co., Ltd., according to the notice of the international tax department (State Administration of International Taxation), the tax bureau requires verification of more than 30% of the Cowtrading account verification tax

Traduire en français



2023-04-13 00:14

This tax is only submitted to the tax bureau for verification. After verification, the funds of Cowtrading and your tax verification can be withdrawn to your personal account together. It is not the tax bureau that will collect your tax

Traduire en français




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