बाजार का विश्लेषण

Friday 28th July

संबंधित प्रोडक्ट: फोरेक्स,अन्य,अन्य,अन्य,अन्य,अन्य

बाजार का विश्लेषण: Friday, July 28: The Nikkei 225 Index fell dramatically on Friday as markets reviewed the Bank of Japan's monetary policy decisions. The Japanese Yen swung wildly. After Thursday's surge, the US Dollar consolidated. Market participants will await Eurozone consumer and business confidence data and US Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) Price Index before the weekend. After the July meeting, the BoJ kept the policy rate at -0.1% and allowed the 10-year Japanese government bond yield to move within 0.5%. “Conduct yield curve control with greater flexibility, regarding the upper and lower bounds the range as references, not as rigid limits, in its market operations,” the bank said in its policy statement. Toyoaki Nakamura, a BoJ Board member, disagreed with the yield curve control (YCC) guidance, arguing that enterprises' earnings strength should be confirmed by financial statement statistics before allowing wider flexibility. USD/JPY rebounded from a 10-day low of 138.00 to trade above 139.00. The US Dollar Index (DXY) rebounded on Thursday after the Federal Reserve's policy statements, thanks to positive macroeconomic data. In June, Durable Goods Orders climbed 4.7% while US real GDP grew 2.4%. Weekly Initial Jobless Claims were 221,000, below market expectations of 235,000. On Thursday, the DXY climbed 0.5% and traded sideways over 101.50. After Thursday's losses, US stock index futures are up. The 10-year US Treasury bond yield is slightly below 4%. On Thursday, EUR/USD fell below 1.1000 for the first time in over two weeks due to the ECB's dovish tone and US Dollar gains. EUR/USD was holding losses at 1.0980 at press time. GBP/USD fell over 100 pips on Thursday and kept falling in the Asian session on Friday. After a three-week low of 1.2763, the pair recovered to 1.2800 in the European session. XAU/USD fell below $1,950 on Thursday as US yields rose. Early Friday, the pair recovers and stays above that level.

2023-07-28 19:21 मलेशिया



मार्केटFriday 28th July

संबंधित प्रोडक्ट: फोरेक्स,अन्य,अन्य,अन्य,अन्य,अन्य

बाजार का विश्लेषण: Friday, July 28: The Nikkei 225 Index fell dramatically on Friday as markets reviewed the Bank of Japan's monetary policy decisions. The Japanese Yen swung wildly. After Thursday's surge, the US Dollar consolidated. Market participants will await Eurozone consumer and business confidence data and US Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) Price Index before the weekend. After the July meeting, the BoJ kept the policy rate at -0.1% and allowed the 10-year Japanese government bond yield to move within 0.5%. “Conduct yield curve control with greater flexibility, regarding the upper and lower bounds the range as references, not as rigid limits, in its market operations,” the bank said in its policy statement. Toyoaki Nakamura, a BoJ Board member, disagreed with the yield curve control (YCC) guidance, arguing that enterprises' earnings strength should be confirmed by financial statement statistics before allowing wider flexibility. USD/JPY rebounded from a 10-day low of 138.00 to trade above 139.00. The US Dollar Index (DXY) rebounded on Thursday after the Federal Reserve's policy statements, thanks to positive macroeconomic data. In June, Durable Goods Orders climbed 4.7% while US real GDP grew 2.4%. Weekly Initial Jobless Claims were 221,000, below market expectations of 235,000. On Thursday, the DXY climbed 0.5% and traded sideways over 101.50. After Thursday's losses, US stock index futures are up. The 10-year US Treasury bond yield is slightly below 4%. On Thursday, EUR/USD fell below 1.1000 for the first time in over two weeks due to the ECB's dovish tone and US Dollar gains. EUR/USD was holding losses at 1.0980 at press time. GBP/USD fell over 100 pips on Thursday and kept falling in the Asian session on Friday. After a three-week low of 1.2763, the pair recovered to 1.2800 in the European session. XAU/USD fell below $1,950 on Thursday as US yields rose. Early Friday, the pair recovers and stays above that level.


2023-07-28 19:21

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