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1년 이상

처음부터 모든 것이 정상이었습니다. 거래가 정상이었기 때문에 심각한 미끄러짐이 없었고 인출 속도가 합리적이었습니다 ... 그러나 최근 상황이 바뀌 었습니다 !! 심각하고 부정적인 미끄러짐이 나타나기 시작했고 인출은 오랜 시간이 걸립니다.

다음은 원래 권장 사항입니다.

Desde el principio las cosas eran normales, pues el trading era normal, no hubieron deslizamientos graves, la velocidad de retiros era razonables... Pero recientemente la situación ha cambiado!! Empezaron a surgir deslizamientos graves y negativos, y los retiros tardan mucho en llegar.

2022-11-21 09:30

전체 댓글

ForexChief Support

2023-05-31 18:20

Hello dear friend! Slippage is a part of the market and it happens whether you like it or not when there is important news. But it happens very rarely in our broker due to low ping and direct sending of orders. Unless the price is traded there - which is the condition of the market itself. Concerning your withdrawal in ForexChief, it is usually under 24 hours. So your claim is not valid. And please provide any proof of your words, maybe account ID, deal/order ID, deposit/withdrawal ID … or at least something that can prove that you are ForexChief client. Otherwise, it looks like a fake review. BR, ForexChief

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