1년 이상

이 플랫폼을 믿지 마십시오. 이 플랫폼에서 끔찍한 거래 경험을 공유하겠습니다. 나는 그들의 광고를 쉽게 믿고 $ 1,000에 투자하고 손실을 경험 한 후 자금을 인출하기 위해 움직였습니다. 내 계정에 오류가 있어 내 계정이 차단되었습니다... 지금까지 내 $1,000를 회수할 방법을 찾을 수 없습니다. 어떻게 해야 합니까?

다음은 원래 권장 사항입니다.

Don’t even trust this platform, let me shared my terrible trading experience on this platform: I easily believed their advertisement, investing in $1,000, after experienced a loss, I made a move to withdraw my funds, then they changed their face, saying there was an error in my account, and thus blocked my account… so far, cannot find a way to recap my $1,000, what should I do?

2022-11-23 12:08

전체 댓글

XB Prime

2023-01-21 23:31

We would like to share with you that XB Prime is a regulated broker with years of experience and thousands of satisfied customers. Part of a large holding jointly with one of the biggest banks in Germany. We would like to assure you that such a situation is impossible to happen in our company. We keep all client's deposits in segregated bank accounts, which are held separately from the company’s funds. As well as all of our clients are covered by our negative balance protection.

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