Mais de um ano

Espero que mais pessoas vejam meu comentário. A empresa EIE Trading Market é um golpista sem vergonha, eles afirmam ser uma empresa confiável e fornecer o melhor serviço, mas na verdade é apenas um golpista Forex. Afaste-se disso ou você se arrependerá. Fui enganado em milhares de dólares e sei como é.

Segue a recomendação original

I hope more people can see my comment. The company EIE Trading Market is a shameless scammer, they claim to be a trustworthy company and provide the best service, but in fact it is just a Forex scammer. Move away from it or you will regret it. I've been scammed out of thousands of dollars and I know what it's like.

2023-03-16 13:40

Todas as respostas


2023-03-31 16:50

Thank you, I seem to've dodged a bullet here, if not for this WikiFX website and your warning I would have lost thousands of Euro's. Indeed the two people who were trying to set me up are quiet now. The NY address of EIE Trading Market is a virtual office, they are NOT located in the One World Trace Center. According to FinCEN operating from a home address in Colorado: (https://www.fincen.gov/msb-state-selector MSB number 31000232412341). Again thanks for your comment, this is indeed a scammer.

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