Mais de um ano

Golpe, Golpe, Incapaz de retirar. Você pode usar qualquer estratégia desde que perca seu dinheiro, mas quando você obtém algum lucro eles usaram uma das cláusulas para obter seu lucro, tenha cuidado porque seus termos e condições prevêem todas as formas possíveis de obter seu lucro, eles são golpistas, fique longe desse corretor fraudulento.

Segue a recomendação original

Scam, Scam, Unable to withdraw. You can use any strategy as long as you lose your money, but when you get some profit they used one of the clauses to take your profit, be careful because their terms and conditions foresee all possible ways to take your profit, they are scammers, stay away from this scam broker.

2023-03-22 21:00

Todas as respostas

Alexander ForexMart

2023-03-22 23:12

Dear Daniel, Your trading was scalpy(less than 2 minutes) and with an opposite orders what is prohibited by clause 9.30 of the Client Agreement. Your initial deposit still can be withdrawed, no prohibition on that, but this was made already. Please try to scam somewhere else.

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