Mais de um ano

É uma farsa total, eles não são regulamentados. Eles roubam o dinheiro dos clientes e bloqueiam. Meu dinheiro eles a bloquearam também com um colega de trabalho. Um relatório foi feito à polícia e à Exossystemsllc ,, io para obter ajuda. A empresa tratou do caso e todos os fundos foram devolvidos completamente. Esta é uma revisão honesta. Eu tenho todas as evidências.

Segue a recomendação original

It's a total scam they are not regulated. They steal customers money and block. My money they blocked her too with a co-worker. A report was made to the police and Exossystemsllc ,, io for help. The firm handled the case and all funds were returned completely. This is an honest review. i have all the evidence.

2023-05-10 20:24

Todas as respostas


2023-08-04 22:52

Can you give your contact No or email

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2023-10-30 13:11

Hi.. I too invested huge amount and they are processing the withdrawal. Could you Please help to get my money

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Senthil 7010

2024-02-06 18:15

I'm also been scammed by WAVFX TRADING COMPANY I was provided liability credit of 7500$ and traded in BTCUSDT after gaining profits i placed withdrawal of 10000$ on the next day after placing withdrawal I was asked to invest 2500$ more and told that they got a mail from (LSEG) London stock exchange group that I have to invest more 2500$ and also a person from WAVFX support team called me and told immediately you have to deposit the money then you will receive the withdrawal within 4 hours then I got a doubt and sent the email to LSEG (London stock exchange group) they sent a mailed that it was not sent by LSEG and the person who signed was not at all related to LSEG. It's a fake email from WAVFX support team to make us invest more money. Till now I received no withdrawal from WAVFX TRADING COMPANY. They are really scammers, fraudsters they trap investors like us and loot our hard earned money. Please don't invest in this company. It's a huge warning.

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