Mais de um ano

Tenho negociado com o USDC Investment há alguns meses e devo dizer que sua ampla gama de instrumentos de negociação é impressionante. Eu amo o fato de que eles oferecem pares de moedas forex, índices, commodities, ações e criptomoedas em um só lugar. Sua plataforma de negociação proprietária é fácil de usar e me fornece todas as ferramentas de que preciso para tomar decisões de negociação informadas. O suporte ao cliente, embora limitado, foi útil sempre que tive dúvidas. No geral, estou satisfeito com minha experiência com o USDC Investment.

Segue a recomendação original

I've been trading with USDC Investment for a few months now, and I must say, their wide range of trading instruments is impressive. I love the fact that they offer forex currency pairs, indices, commodities, stocks, and cryptocurrencies all in one place. Their proprietary trading platform is user-friendly and provides me with all the tools I need to make informed trading decisions. The customer support, although limited, has been helpful whenever I had inquiries. Overall, I'm satisfied with my experience with USDC Investment.

2023-06-27 13:26

Todas as respostas

Shekhar S

2023-07-11 22:31

I have been using the USDC platform for months now and now I wanted to withdraw funds from my trading account. USDC says that I have to pay the taxes first before the full withdrawal. Is this standard process for USDC for withdrawal? I have even gone through similar withdrawal process by yourself.

Traduzir para Chinês simples


Humberto8140 > Shekhar S

2023-07-12 01:57

I'm also having the same problem, did you make the payment?

Traduzir para Chinês simples


brk > Shekhar S

2023-07-16 17:07

dont believe this and dont make a deposit.They said me same i loose 5000 usd. they are not paying deposit back.

Traduzir para Chinês simples


brk > Humberto8140

2023-07-16 17:08

they are not paying back deposit i loose 5000 usd. now i dont know what to do.they blocked me from everywhere. +447471449359 this is them whatapp number right?

Traduzir para Chinês simples


Ammy6020 > Shekhar S

2023-07-18 02:32

Have you paid the tax amount?

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2023-07-18 16:49

Has anyone paid the tax amount and able to withdraw ?

Traduzir para Chinês simples


brk > Ammy6020

2023-07-23 03:03

Yes i paid but they didnt pay back anymoney.

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2023-10-02 04:50

How to pay tax

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