Leighton Evans

TBH, a primeira vez que abri o site deles, e vi que existem dois tipos de contas - Profissional e Individual, sem contar as contas de apostas spread, demo e islâmicas, pensei que esse não era o meu tipo de corretora. Então descobri que, na verdade, é possível abrir uma conta individual com um requisito de depósito mínimo relativamente baixo, negociar na mesma plataforma com profissionais e especialistas experientes e desfrutar de algumas das melhores condições de atraso disponíveis. No entanto, eles têm muitas opções para aplicativos de negociação, e eu me pergunto qual deles funciona melhor na ActivTrades?

Segue a recomendação original

TBH the first time I opened their website, and saw there are two types of accounts - Professional and Individual, not counting the spread betting, demo and Islamic accounts, I tought this was not my type of broker. Then I discovered that actually, one can afford to open an individual account with a relatively low minimum deposit requirement, trade at the same platform with experinced professionals and experts, and enjoy some of the best tarding conditions out there. However, they have many opions for trading apps, and I wonder which one works the best at ActivTrades?

2023-09-09 19:36

Todas as respostas

Jack Morris

2023-11-30 01:02

Indeed, ActivTrades offers a plethora of trading engines. I am sure that all of them work well. The question you should ask yourself is which app is the best for your trading style. ActivTrades has included the most popular and widely used trading app MetaTrader4/5. The integration is perfect. If you are an MT enthusiast, you will have a smooth experience for sure. Their proprietary trading app ActivTrader is a truly advanced app. Suitable for more experienced traders who like charting, but its interface is so intuitive that even beginners can get accustomed pretty quickly. Also, the popularity of TradingView as one of the best charting solutions out there is enormous. Aside from charting, you can use this platform now for trading as well. ActivTrade is one of the few brokers that decided to integrate with TradingView. This is a more advanced platform and it takes time to completely learn its capabilities.

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