Ranjeet Karak

Olá a todos os clientes Ivision, entrei na empresa Ivision em maio de 2022 na conta de automação. Consegui a retirada até janeiro de 2023. Consegui uma turnê em Dubai, uma turnê em Cingapura. estava tudo bem até fevereiro de 2023. Depois disso, ele fechou a conta de automação repentinamente. Ele disse que toda a conta de automação foi congelada pela LP. Assim que a empresa enviar a conformidade em setembro de 2023, todas as contas serão descongeladas. então a empresa devolverá o dinheiro a todos os clientes. Depois de setembro começamos o acompanhamento com a empresa, aí começou ele falando e continua dizendo que a empresa perdeu todo o valor. eu não posso te pagar. Todos os meus clientes pertencem abaixo da linha da pobreza, segui fortemente com Sameer Khan (seu nome original é Vakeel Ahmed) sobre o pagamento. Ele começou a dizer que a empresa perdeu 8 milhões, então a empresa não vai pagar. Hoje ele bloqueou meu não.

Segue a recomendação original

Hi All Ivision Client, I have joined Ivision company in May 2022 in automation Account. I got withdrawal till January 2023. I achieved Dubai tour, Singapore tour. it was all good till Feb 2023, After that he was closed automation account suddenly. He said all automation account it was freezed by LP. Once company will submit compliance in September 2023 all account will unfreeze. then company will return money to all client. After September we start following up with company, then started he was saying and still saying company has loss all the amount. i cant pay you. All My client belong to below poverty line, I followed strongly with Sameer khan (his original name is Vakeel Ahmed) about payment, He started to say company has lost 8 millions, so company will not pay. Today he blocked my no.

2023-11-10 22:52

Todas as respostas


2023-11-11 06:30

Dear Ranjeet. You are aware of FX RISK and you are invited client of below poverty line. This is misleading your education about the forex. You are using bad words of family. Personally you attack that’s why Sameer Sir blocked you, as a good person talk to sir and resolved your query. Regards Ivision Market Warning: The FX market involves significant risks, including the possible loss of funds. Consequently, trading is only suitable for some investors and traders. By increasing leverage, the risk increases as well.

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Ranjeet Karak

2023-11-14 20:34

Thanks for your reply. All set now. Company has settled previous automation amount to new copy trade account. We can trust the company.

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