Mais de um ano

ABZ Forex Broker Firm - Uma experiência de pesadelo Meu tempo na ABZ Forex Broker Firm foi nada menos que um pesadelo. Eles não apenas não honraram os compromissos salariais com os funcionários, mas também desconsideraram abertamente os pedidos de retirada dos clientes. Apesar de ingressar no escritório de Dubai, no edifício 302 Dar Al Raffa, em Bur Dubai, minha experiência foi prejudicada por suas práticas antiéticas. Para aqueles que buscam mais informações sobre a conduta do proprietário, sinta-se à vontade para entrar em contato comigo por mensagem ou e-mail

Segue a recomendação original

ABZ Forex Broker Firm - A Nightmare Experience My time at ABZ Forex Broker Firm was nothing short of a nightmare. Not only did they fail to honor salary commitments to employees, but they also blatantly disregarded withdrawal requests from clients. Despite joining their Dubai office at 302 Dar Al Raffa Building, Bur Dubai, my experience was marred by their unethical practices. For those seeking further insights into the owner's conduct, feel free to reach out to me via message or email

2024-03-01 02:41

Todas as respostas


2024-03-20 19:52

Dear Yogita Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention. We take them seriously and are committed to addressing them promptly. Regarding salary commitments, we assure you that we adhere strictly to our payment schedules. Kindly provide your employee ID for immediate investigation and resolution of any discrepancies. Regarding client withdrawal requests, integrity and transparency are non-negotiable. We have rigorous protocols in place to ensure prompt and ethical processing. Any issues will be thoroughly investigated and rectified. We value open communication and welcome further insights into your experience. Please feel free to reach out, and we'll ensure your concerns are addressed promptly. Sincerely, Kunika Marketing Manager ABZ Forex Broker Firm

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2024-03-20 20:19

After experiencing some challenges with ABZ Fx Capitals regarding my salary, I'm pleased to share that the issue has been resolved satisfactorily. I appreciate the prompt attention and action taken by the company to address my concerns. Additionally, I want to highlight that my withdrawal requests have been processed efficiently. This reflects the company's commitment to ensuring a smooth and seamless experience for its clients. Overall, I'm happy to report that my experience with ABZ

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2024-05-02 00:27

the withdrawal process at ABZ Capital. Despite repeated attempts to receive a serious update on the status of my withdrawal, I have been met with silence and a lack of transparency. I tried so many times every they gave a different excuse

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2024-05-02 06:02

The ABZ Capital employee coerced me into writing a review about the company after I posted a genuine one. Upon my refusal, they proceeded to create a fake identity under my name and replied to the review. I possess evidence of the messages received from the ABZ employee.

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