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Hello people: Broker that deceives people and keeps their money. They create taxes to dilute their earnings and when they want to withdraw, they don't. CAREFUL!!!!!!! It is safer to play Russian roulette. Here in Brazil they got tired of deceiving people with false promises. Characteristic of them is to recommend operations that are bad and ask to put more money. Unfortunately I recommended a friend who also lost everything. They say they are an English company, but it is a LIE, since 2018 they closed the company in England, today the company is in Seycheles, and the CEO lives in Cyprus and is of Israeli origin, Uzi Baruch, I have already filed a complaint with the FSA Seychelles, in the Brazilian Police, I recommend that you do the same, these scammers have to fall and the employees who work are all complicit, yesterday they made my account fall and on top of that the operator laughed at me. BEWARE SCAMMERS.

The following is the original recommendation

Hola gente: Corretora que engaña a las personas y se queda con su dinero. Crean taxas para diluir sus ganos y al momento de querer retirar, no lo hacen. CUIDADO!!!!!!! es mas seguro jugar a la ruleta rusa. Aqui en Brasil se cansaron de engañar a las personas con promesas falsas. Caracteristica de ellos es recomendar operaciones que dan mal y piden para poner mas dinero. Lamentablemente recomende a un amigo que tambien perdio todo. Ellos dicen que son una empresa Inglesa, pero es MENTIRA, desde 2018 cerraron la empresa en Inglaterra, hoy la empresa esta en Seycheles, y el CEO vive en Chipre y es de Origen Israelense, Uzi Baruch, ja hice la denuncia en la FSA de Seychelles, en la Policia Brasilera, Recomiendo que hagan lo mismo, estos estafadores tienen que caer y los empleados que trabajan son todos complices, ayer hicieron caer mi cuenta y encima el operador se reia de mi. CUIDADO ESTAFADORES.

2023-06-15 20:13



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