Global Broker Regulation & Inquiry App
Cooper Clark
more than one year

If you think you can trade smoothly here, you're in for a disappointment. The trading platform performance is like watching a sloth in a snail race. Constant lag, freezing, and downtime make it impossible to execute any trades. I was keeping a close eye on the price of gold as it had been showing signs of a significant breakout. The geopolitical tensions and economic uncertainty had created the perfect environment for a ***** in precious metals, and I wanted to capitalize on this opportunity. As the moment I'd been waiting for finally arrived, I quickly logged into the trading platform. However, just as I was about to enter a trade on gold, the platform's sluggish performance reared its head. It felt like watching a snail in a race of cheetahs. The price updates were delayed, and the platform often froze for what seemed like an eternity. By the time the platform finally caught up, the perfect entry point I had been eyeing had slipped away. Gold had surged, and I was left in the dust. I tried to execute a market order, but the platform's lag resulted in a slippage that significantly increased my entry price. What should have been a profitable trade turned into a losing one. Disappointing!

2023-10-11 14:48



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