Global Broker Regulation & Inquiry App
Doc Holliday

I gave them a rating of 1 because There is no rating for ZERO. If there was a rating of ZERO this is the rating I would give them. This Mic Company I believe is a scam. Once you deposit $$$ into their platform you will NOT be allowed to withdraw it. !! They will MAKE UP stories and reasons why you cannot withdraw. The most common reason is they will inform you that they think your account has been hacked. Therefore not allowing you to withdraw $$$. But get this, if you send them 25% of your account balance they will unfreeze your account.?? Seriously?? yes seriously I am not joking around. Wait to you hear my next statement. Now pay attention to this final piece of vital information. This Company has a client go through their "Real Name Verification" so you can actually AVOID being hacked. Because this real name verification is designed for Mic's Fraud department to CALL the suspected hacked account. This way the Client can provide them the necessary information so they so the fraud department can unfreeze the clients account. But guess what.? The fraud dept. at Mic does NOT call you to verify the clients information. They would rather have you send them 25% of your account balance so they can SCAM you even MORE than you already have been scammed.!! Trust me, stay CLEAR away from this Company and run as FAST as you can.!!!

2024-03-22 00:41



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