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Fraudulent changes in spread and refusal to take responsibility: I am a trader who has been trading on the Lirunex exchange for over 6 months. 1/ Lirunex directly changed the spread of the product I was trading from $90/lot to $350/lot (market stable without news volatility) and maintained this spread fee. 2/ Lirunex quietly deducted positive swap money when placing orders on the exchange (an amount up to >$1000), while my trades at that time had just escaped from a major market fluctuation and began to profit, Lirunex did this to take away my profits. The first action of changing the spread by Lirunex made me unhappy, but I continued to trade because I trusted the exchange. However, with the second action, I was infuriated and contacted the management. They sent me an email admitting fault on their part (after thoroughly checking my trades) and promised to compensate me for the deducted swap money. But in the second email, they refused to reimburse the money and blamed a third party (clearly an act of fraud and inconsistency from the exchange). Lirunex is a licensed trading platform, but their operating practices resemble those who seek to steal and make traders lose money, making it an unsafe playground for traders. They have stolen my money, promised compensation but then failed to deliver, instead blaming me and the LP (Liquidity Provider). I am very disappointed, and I am writing this report to WARN other investors to consider carefully before trading

2024-03-25 20:05



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