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more than one year
Capital Ex Pro is just another Forex broker in the market. The trading platform is okay, but nothing extraordinary. Execution speed is decent, and customer support is responsive, but don't expect any personalized service. Spreads are competitive, but watch out for hidden fees. The educational resources are basic, suitable for beginners, but lack depth for experienced traders. Withdrawals can be a hassle, and the verification process is time-consuming. Overall, if you're a casual trader, it might suffice, but for serious investors, there are better options out there.
2023-12-26 23:52
0-3months & : Fraud Websites : See more about their frauds.. I recently came across the trading platforms and and I have to say, I am extremely disappointed and frustrated with my experience. Both these websites are unregulated and do not display any registration numbers, which immediately raises a red flag. After some research, I found out that these platforms have been flagged as fraudulent and have been accused of cheating and scamming their clients. One of the biggest issues with these platforms is that they change trade rates from the backend, without the knowledge or consent of the traders. This means that the profits that traders make are not accurate and the platform is essentially stealing from their clients. This is a clear violation of trust and is completely unacceptable. Moreover, I have also noticed that the platforms create fake trades to show losses and then claim that their AI technology generated these trades. This is just a tactic to cover up their fraudulent activities and make it seem like the losses were not their fault. In reality, they are manipulating the trades to their advantage and deceiving their clients.
2024-04-03 00:15
more than one year
Setting up a demo account with Capital Ex Pro was a breeze - quick and hassle-free. It spared me from the usual complexities, allowing me to dive into simulated trading smoothly. However, things took a turn when I decided to transition to a real account. To my disappointment, I was informed that my country is not supported.
2024-01-16 11:50
more than one year
I joined Bohai Futures after being recommended by a stock trader who initially connected with me in early March. Initially, the stock discussions and recommendations seemed promising, leading me to a stock trading teacher. However, things took a turn when the teacher, after two weeks of stock discussions, shifted focus to Bohai Futures, claiming it was a solution to recover losses from stock trading. Trusting their advice, I invested my entire savings. Unfortunately, instead of profit, I faced substantial losses, with my capital dwindling to a mere 35000 RMB within two weeks of following their strategies. Dishearteningly, the teachers lost interest in assisting me as soon as they realized I no longer had substantial funds.
2023-12-27 00:32
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