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more than one year
The company IQCent's website is no longer valid, no need to waste your time here, ma friends. Go find another better company.
2022-12-09 10:17
David Collins
Let me just say upfront - this broker's guaranteed 1-hour withdrawal processing has got to be the fastest in the game. I've never had to wait longer than 60 minutes to get paid out after requesting a crypto withdrawal. And in this industry where shady practices run rampant, that's just a total breath of fresh air. You'd be shocked how many brokers I've used in the past that constantly ****** me around when it came time to withdraw funds. But these guys are 100% legit. Their trading contests are also a fun way to try and win back some extra cash on top of my regular profits. Only real negative for me is the limited number of stocks/equities they offer, since that's one asset class I like to trade.
2024-06-01 13:17
I have greatly benefited from using a copy-trading tool from IQCent and it has completely changed my performance. Now, after becoming a member, I can copy the successful strategies of these traders. It doesn't even matter that I've reflected $4,000 over 6 months of doing nothing. Copy trading itself is an easy way for me, the newbie trader, to gain from advanced-level trading techniques and skills. The only problem that I cannot agree with is the practice of charging inactivity fees within the first two months if the trade account remains dormant. However, it has also been quite rewarding for the industry.
2024-04-23 11:20
When IQCent advertises their "guaranteed 1-hour withdrawal" processing times, they aren't exaggerating whatsoever. I've personally tested and experienced this game-changing benefit after several profitable trades already. Just recently, after closing a winning AUD/CAD binary options position for $500 profit, those funds appeared back in my bank account in less than 45 minutes following my withdrawal request. Outrageous! Most brokers make you wait days or even weeks to access trading profits, but with IQCent, a lightning-fast turnaround is a consistent reality. Having such rapid access to my capital provides crucial flexibility in my trading routines.
2024-04-19 10:14
Cody Elliott
I recently participated in one of IQCent's week-long trading contests, even though my chances of finishing in the money prize positions were slim. However, I still enjoyed competing on the public leaderboard and pushing myself to execute as many solid trades as possible daily. Ultimately, I did not win the top prize, but seeing my name on the scoreboard for that week and following my progress against other traders motivates me. Although I didn't win any cash this time, the fun competition aspect brought out my A-game and forced me to level up my trading skills to stand out. I'll be participating in more of IQCent's exciting trading contests in the future for the challenge it brings out in me as a trader.
2023-12-10 17:38
Norman 3350
As a longtime trader switching to IQCent, adjusting to their proprietary platform from MT4 was initially challenging. But their freely available technical analysis reports quickly made up for it. The comprehensive reports highlight trade ideas across forex, crypto, and commodities - a welcome change from MT4's limited scope. The analysis has helped me improve my trading in assets I'm less familiar with, yielding higher profits. I still prefer MT4's customizability, but IQCent's robust analysis content adds valuable signals I can apply anywhere. The platform change was worth it for the analysis edge.
2023-12-05 23:43
I recently participated in one of IQCent's trading competitions, where users competed based on percentage returns for a weekly period. My aggressive trading landed me in 24th place out of over 100 participants. Although I didn't win any prizes, I still benefited by pushing myself to trade faster than normal. A public leaderboard motivated me to make more trades than I typically would in a week. The fun contest atmosphere helped me improve my trading skills.
2023-12-02 18:28
Jacob 2133
Binary options comprise most of my trading, so IQCent's 98% payouts are a big draw. Most platforms offer 70-80% at most. That extra 18-28% from IQCent improves my bottom line. This week, I hit a string of 1-minute call options on gold, oil, and EUR/USD for an average 90% strike rate. The 98% payouts turbocharged my profits. In three days, I grew my account by 32% strictly from those short-term binaries! For serious binary traders, IQCent's sky-high payouts are a game changer.
2023-12-01 23:37
I've been trading binary options for a few months and decided to try IQCent Broker after being attracted by their 98% payouts on binaries. I started small with $100, and after getting familiar with their platform, I began trading short-term binary options on forex pairs. My first few trades were losses as I learned to analyze charts and watch for signals. After a week, I finally hit a winning trade and secured a 98% payout on a bullish EUR/USD option before expiration. This first win felt great and gave me the confidence to keep improving. I've worked my account up to $380 through consistent binary options trading thanks to the high payout percentages IQCent offers.
2023-11-28 14:17
Being relatively new to Forex, the myriad strategies and constant market changes were overwhelming. That's when I found IQCENT's copy trading feature. It’s like having a professional trader guide me through the stormy seas of the Forex market. I can choose which strategy to mimic, follow the trades, and watch my portfolio grow. IQCENT provides detailed profiles of these professional traders, so I know exactly whose strategy I'm emulating. I feel more confident and secure with my trading decisions, all thanks to the transparency and efficacy of IQCENT.
2023-11-23 01:30
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