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more than one year
It is true that I have some international remittance needs and I also feel that the bank's fees are a bit too high, but this company does not have any reliable regulatory information. Who knows if my money will be scammed by it?
2022-12-12 10:14
more than one year
I had a pretty solid experience using VBCE for currency exchange. The exchange rates were definitely more competitive than the banks, and the staff was super chill and helpful. Plus, sending international transfers was a total breeze - didn't have to jump through any crazy hoops or anything. All in all, VBCE is a pretty sweet option for handling your foreign currency needs.
2023-03-27 10:43
Matthew Jil
more than one year
I primarily conduct transactions with VBCE thanks to their favorable rates. However, when it comes to purchasing Singaporean Dollars, I turn to Kingmark at Yaohan Centre since their rates are more competitive. My business dealings with VBCE could have been more frequent if they accepted merchant payments, especially when handling substantial amounts. As it stands now, for transactions over ten thousand dollars, it is a bit of an inconvenience to have to acquire a bank draft from my bank for payment. Additionally, I've occasionally faced difficulties when wishing to convert larger amounts (exceeding ten thousand dollars) of my Euros into Canadian Dollars. These are areas where improvements would be greatly appreciated.
2024-02-01 10:27
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