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Timothy 677
more than one year
Doo Prime's platform? Snappy with execution speeds, really works like a charm. However, I bumped into some slippage during peak trading times - not a deal-breaker, but worth keeping an eye on. The withdrawal process was a bit of a slow coach compared to the other features—hopefully, they can speed that up. On the whole, Doo Prime's got potential, but there's room for a little polish here and there.
2023-10-09 12:30
more than one year
Doo Prime is an excellent broker. The service was good, and the problem was solved in a timely manner, trading platform was convenient to use.Everything was fine.
2022-12-19 12:45
more than one year
good app
2022-11-04 09:51
Brandon Carter
more than one year
Fair entry and exit prices were a big tick for me, with price changes apparent, yet not impeding my trading growth. The spreads on USD/EUR during peak volatility were tight enough to not burn a hole in my pocket. Following my trading strategy, I was able to secure laudable profits - a significant contributor was the wide array of market indicators available for breaking down complex data patterns. Their trading platform pretty much hit the spot in terms of functionality and ease of use. The user interface is intuitive, making chart analysis and finding the right spots for a trade comparatively smooth. However, I did experience occasional lags in platform performance during high-impact news events – wasn’t a deal-breaker, but something worth noting. On a different note, while I had no issues executing my trading strategy, I had my patience tested with the withdrawals. It usually took up a substantial part of a week – something I'd like to see them hustle up on.
2023-10-09 12:17
more than one year
To tell you the truth, I like to trade in DP Capital because the overall trading environment makes me feel very comfortable. High leverage allows me to trade flexibly, the order execution speed is fast, and the spread is also very narrow. I made a small profit on this platform last year, and the withdrawal went smoothly.
2022-12-14 12:09
more than one year
After spending quite some time with DooPrime, I've found their services quite compelling. A significant strength is the wide array of products available for trading, giving me diverse ways to invest my capital. Furthermore, the low spreads and swift depositing process makes it all the more easier to get started. However, there've been a couple of hiccups. I've noticed some odd activity with my account recently, with noticeable amounts withdrawn without my authorization - confusing, to say the least. It would be great to have this issue resolved promptly. In short, while there are certainly positives, I hope to see some improvements soon.
2024-04-19 11:28
more than one year
USDTfx can contact
2022-11-03 10:33
more than one year
As a user of Doo Prime, I find their withdrawal process extremely frustrating and disappointing. Despite numerous attempts, I have repeatedly faced delays and have not been able to successfully withdraw my funds. In multiple instances, Doo Prime has remained silent and has ignored my requests entirely. Their lack of transparency and responsiveness has tarnished my trust in this company. I would strongly advise against investing with Doo Prime.
2023-12-15 18:29
Cium Jude
more than one year
Slippages, yeah, they're a thing. When I played around with Doo Prime, I dabbled in all sorts of stuff – oil, stocks, the whole shebang. Now, when I danced with the EUR/USD, slippages weren't a big deal. We're talking 1 to 2 pips on average, which ain't too shabby, especially with the fast-moving currency crowd. But then, I decided to take on the oil market. Whoa, things got wild! Slippages there were like 3 to 5 bucks per barrel. Doesn't sound like much, but in the oil game, that's like leaving money on the table. It was like trying to catch a rocket with a butterfly net – thrilling, but not always easy.
2023-10-10 14:01
more than one year
I placed multiple trades on their platform, and the slippage was a recurring nightmare. When the market price was at 1.1000, my order got executed at 1.0995. That's a whopping 5-pip slippage! And it wasn't a one-off occurrence; it happened repeatedly, eating into my potential profits. In fact, out of 20 trades I placed, a staggering 16 of them suffered from slippage, with an average slippage of around 4.5 pips. That's a significant deviation from the quoted prices, and it seriously impacted my trading results. Now, let's talk about reaching out to customer support. When I contacted them about this slippage issue, their response time was far from stellar. It took them an average of 48 hours to get back to me, and even then, their explanations felt evasive and didn't fully address the problem.
2023-10-10 12:11
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