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more than one year
Kraemforex has been a pretty good experience for me so far. I appreciate the fact that they offer a demo account, which allowed me to practice and get comfortable with their platform before investing real money. The $500 minimum deposit was reasonable for me, and the leverage of up to 1:500 is great for amplifying my gains. I also like the wide range of assets available for trading, including forex, precious metals, commodities, and CFDs. The MetaTrader5 platform is excellent and suits my trading style perfectly. Overall, I'm happy with my trading journey at Kraemforex.
2023-07-19 18:10
more than one year
Hey, Kraemforex is pretty cool for trading! You can start with just $500, and they give you this awesome 1:500 leverage. There's a bunch of stuff you can trade – forex, metals, commodities, and CFDs. They even have Standard and VIP accounts, plus a demo to practice. The MetaTrader5 platform is smooth, and they accept various payment options.
2023-12-08 18:35
Claire Wong
more than one year
I'm a bit skeptical about Kraemforex due to their lack of valid regulation. It's crucial for me to feel secure with a broker, and the fact that they're not regulated raises some red flags. Also, they don't disclose their spreads, which makes it challenging to assess the true cost of trading with them. The withdrawal process is not clear either, and I'd like to know how long it takes and if there are any fees involved. I wish they had more transparent information. And while the MetaTrader5 platform is excellent, their customer support is limited to email only, which can be frustrating when you need immediate assistance. I'd advise being cautious and considering other regulated brokers before deciding on Kraemforex.
2023-07-19 18:12
more than one year
So, Kraemforex has some issues you need to know about. First off, they're not regulated, which is kind of a red flag. And, seriously, why won't they spill the beans on the spreads? The company's kinda new, like 1-2 years, which can make you a bit uneasy. Plus, the withdrawal process is a bit of a mystery, and customer support is just through email. Not the best vibe if you ask me.
2023-12-11 18:59
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