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more than one year
My browsing experience on this company's website is that I have to click a disclaimer almost every time I open a page, and I feel that this company is eager to get rid of itself. Most importantly I see it doesn't have any regulatory license. Be vigilant, friends!
2022-12-14 17:15
more than one year
From my experience with Ceres Growth Fund, it strikes me as a platform tailored for the professional investor. It puts forward a range of financial services and investment opportunities, which can be a treasure trove for those in the know. What struck a chord with me was their forthrightness on legal matters, and that they have designed their platform specifically for those who are authorized to delve into such information.
2024-05-16 11:43
more than one year
Drawing from my 15 years of trading experience with various brokers, I can confidently say that CERES is among the top choices. Instant deposits, unmatched customer service, high leverage, and incredibly low spreads even on Islamic accounts are just some of the exceptional features they offer. What has particularly impressed me is their hassle-free withdrawal process. Without a doubt, CERES is a highly recommended broker.
2023-12-15 18:34
more than one year
I've been a client for years, and everything used to run smoothly with CERES. However, things took a turn when I encountered issues with withdrawals. Three days later, I couldn't log in to CERES anymore; it just wouldn't connect to the server. I've spent nearly 2 hours chatting with 5 different agents, but no solution emerged. Three of them provided conflicting instructions: uninstall and reinstall MT4, reset personal data password, reset trading account password. I've followed these steps multiple times, to no avail. Despite writing several emails, all I received were robot-like responses prompting me to reset my password. It seems like nobody at CERES is genuinely addressing this issue. Moreover, I couldn't trade or control my account while holding open positions. When I asked how to terminate our cooperation and get my money back, my query was ignored. It's incredibly frustrating, and I've lost all trust in this company.
2024-03-10 23:37
more than one year
I've been a client for years, and everything used to run smoothly with CERES. However, things took a turn when I encountered issues with withdrawals. Three days later, I couldn't log in to CERES anymore; it just wouldn't connect to the server. I've spent nearly 2 hours chatting with 5 different agents, but no solution emerged. Three of them provided conflicting instructions: uninstall and reinstall MT4, reset personal data password, reset trading account password. I've followed these steps multiple times, to no avail. Despite writing several emails, all I received were robot-like responses prompting me to reset my password. It seems like nobody at CERES is genuinely addressing this issue. Moreover, I couldn't trade or control my account while holding open positions. When I asked how to terminate our cooperation and get my money back, my query was ignored. It's incredibly frustrating, and I've lost all trust in this company.
2024-03-10 23:36
more than one year
I realized later on that this platform was a scam with no real regulation, and the customer service was just temporary. They only appeared when they wanted me to deposit money, and I found out too late that I couldn't withdraw any profits. It's frustrating that they are still operating, and I want to warn others not to fall for their tricks. Stay away from CERES if you want to keep your money safe.
2023-03-28 10:30
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