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United States|2-5 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


Rating Index


+1 205386-0830
22 Wall Street New York, NY 10005


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

VPS Standard
No restriction on the broker account. Support service provided by WikiFX

Single Core



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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 2
Previous Detection : 2024-06-03
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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globalcapitaltrades · Company Summary

Note: The details presented in this review are subject to potential modifications due to the ongoing updates to the company's offerings and policy adjustments. Additionally, the relevance of this review's information may be influenced by the original publication date, as service details and policies may have evolved since that time. Hence, it's crucial for readers to seek out the most current information directly from the company prior to making any decisions or initiating actions based on this review. The responsibility for utilizing the information provided herein lies entirely with the individual reader.

Should there be any discrepancies between visual and written materials in this review, the written information takes precedence. Nonetheless, for a more comprehensive understanding and updated details, accessing the company's official website is highly recommended.

Globalcapitaltrades Review Summary
Registered Country/Region United States
Regulation No Regulation
Market Instruments Currencies, Indices, Bullion & Commodities, Stocks, Cryptos, etc.
Demo Account Not Mentioned
Leverage Not Mentioned
Spread Not Mentioned
Commission Not Mentioned
Trading Platform Not Mentioned
Minimum Deposit $500
Customer Support Contact Form, Tel: +1 205386-0830, Email:
Company Address 22 Wall Street New York

What is Globalcapitaltrades?

Globalcapitaltrades is a broker based in the United States. It supports a certain range of instruments, with an emphasis on Bitcoin investments. It is currently not regulated by any authorities.

Globalcapitaltrades' homepage

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
  • No Regulation
  • Lack Info on Key Trading Conditions


  • No Regulation: Globalcapitaltrades is not currently regulated by any external authority. This absence of regulatory oversight will concern users about its standard of oversight and protection offered.

  • Lack Info on Key Trading Conditions: The platform does not provide clear information on key trading conditions such as leverage, spreads, and commission rates, which are very important for users to make a decision in trading.

Is Globalcapitaltrades Legit?

  • Regulatory Sight: Globalcapitaltrades is currently without regulatory oversight and any licenses that would enable it to conduct its operational standards in the financial market. This lack of regulation poses numerous risks to investors, such as a lack of transparency, security concerns, and no guarantee of adherence to industry standards and practices.

No license
  • User Feedback: Users should check the reviews and feedback from other clients to gain a more comprehensive sight of the broker, or look for reviews on reputable websites and forums.

  • Security Measures: Globalcapitaltrades applies Stop-Loss Orders. These are designed to limit an investors loss on a position in a security. By setting a stop loss order, traders specify a price at which their trade will automatically close if the market moves against them.

Market Instruments

Globalcapitaltrades offers a certain range of market instruments. These include:

  • Currencies: Also known as Forex, traders can engage in the buying and selling of various currency pairs.

  • Indices: This allows traders to speculate on the performance of major global stock indices such as the S&P 500, Dow Jones, NASDAQ, FTSE 100, and others.

  • Bullion & Commodities: Traders can trade precious metals like gold and silver, as well as a range of other commodities including oil, natural gas, agricultural products, and more.

  • Stocks: Globalcapitaltrades provides access to shares of major companies listed on various stock exchanges worldwide.

  • Cryptocurrencies: With the growing popularity of digital assets, the platform offers trading in major cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other altcoins.

Deposits & Withdrawals

Globalcapitaltrades supports several payment methods. These include:

  • PayPal: Known for its speed and security, PayPal is a popular choice for traders who wish to quickly transfer funds to and from their trading accounts.

  • Visa and MasterCard: These credit and debit card options allow for immediate deposits, letting traders fund their accounts efficiently and begin trading almost instantly.

  • Discover Card: Similar to Visa and MasterCard, Discover Card offers a straightforward way for traders to make deposits and withdrawals.

Customer Support

Globalcapitaltrades offers several customer support channels. These include:

  • Contact Form: Users can fill out the contact form on its official website to submit inquiries or issues.

  • Telephone Support: Users can reach out directly to customer support through the telephone at +1 205-386-0830.

  • Email: For less urgent queries or when detailed documentation might be needed, customers can contact support via email

  • Physical Address: The company is located at 22 Wall Street, New York. Knowing the physical address adds a layer of transparency and can be reassuring, showing that the company maintains a tangible presence.

Contact info


As a broker, Globalcapitaltrades holds no regulations and it does not provide any information on key trading conditions and features. It lacks transparency on information and obligation to operational standards set up by external authorities. We do not recommend this broker to any user.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question: Is Globalcapitaltrades regulated?

Answer: No, it is currently not regulated.

Question: What is the minimum deposit required to open an account?

Answer: The minimum deposit required is $500.

Question: Is there a maximum deposit amount?

Answer: The maximum deposit amount is $500,000.

Question: Is my money safe with Globalcapitaltrades?

Answer: Not quite. Though Globalcapitaltrades has applied some security measures (like Stop-Loss Orders), it is a broker without any regulation. In this case, users' funds are not secure.

Risk Warning

Online trading involves significant risk, and you may lose all of your invested capital. It is not suitable for all traders or investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information provided in this review may be subject to change due to the constant updating of the company's services and policies.

Broker Information

Company Name


Company Abbreviation


Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

United States

Phone of the company
  • +1 205386-0830









Company address
  • 22 Wall Street New York, NY 10005









Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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