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Global Financial

Bahamas|2-5 years|
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Global Financial · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Global Financial
Registered Country/Area Bahamas
Founded Year 1970s
Regulation Unregulated
Services Acquisition and management of credit instruments, direct access to capital markets, and assistance in accessing non-repayable contributions
Account Types N/A
Minimum Deposit N/A
Maximum Leverage N/A
Spreads N/A
Trading Platforms N/A
Customer Support email at or for assistance, phone number: 02615680069.
Deposit & Withdrawal N/A

Overview of Global Financial

Established in the 1970s in the Bahamas, Global Financial provides a wide range of financial services, including acquisition and management of credit instruments, direct access to capital markets, and assistance in accessing non-repayable contributions.

They offer expertise in acquiring and managing credit instruments, accessing capital markets directly, and tapping into non-repayable contributions. With experienced consultants and access to BizBee for tailored solutions, clients benefit from comprehensive support.

However, the lack of regulation raises risks about potential misconduct.

Overview of Global Financial

Regulatory Status

Global Financial operates without any rules worldwide.

Without oversight, risks grow out of control. Fraud becomes common, risking people's money. Markets become unstable and easily manipulated. Nobody knows what's happening, making people lose trust. Financial crises get worse, hurting economies everywhere. Investors worry about losing money with no help. Speculation gets wild, leading to big market crashes.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Wide range of financial services offered Unregulated
Experienced consultants available Lack of transparency in fee structure
Various expertise in finance Lack trading platform
Access to BizBee for tailored business solutions Risk of investment loss inherent in financial services


  1. Wide Range of Financial Services Offered Global Financial offers a comprehensive suite of financial services, including acquisition and management of credit instruments, direct access to capital markets, and assistance in accessing non-repayable contributions.

  2. Experienced Consultants Available Clients benefit from the expertise of experienced consultants at Global Financial. These consultants provide valuable guidance and support throughout the financial decision-making process.

  3. Various Expertise in Finance Global Financial boasts expertise in various areas of finance, including ordinary, extraordinary, and facilitated finance.

  4. Access to BizBee for Tailored Business Solutions Clients have access to BizBee, a specialized tool offered by Global Financial for tailored business solutions. BizBee provides feasibility studies, constant monitoring of regulations, updates on new opportunities, and expert consultancy for investment planning.


  1. Unregulated: One significant drawback of Global Financial is its lack of regulation. Without oversight from regulatory authorities, there is a risk of potential misconduct or unethical practices within the organization.

  2. Lack of Transparency in Fee Structure: Global Financial faces criticism for its lack of transparency in its fee structure. Clients may not have a clear understanding of the fees associated with the services they receive, leading to uncertainty and potential disputes.

  3. Lack Trading Platform: Global Financial does not offer a trading platform for clients to execute financial transactions independently. This limitation restricts clients' ability to engage in direct trading activities and may inconvenience those who prefer a self-service approach to financial management.

  4. Risk of Investment Loss Inherent in Financial Services: Global Financial is exposed to the inherent risk of investment loss. Despite their expertise and tailored solutions, there is no guarantee of positive returns on investments.


Global Financial offers a comprehensive suite of services tailored to meet various financial needs.

Finance - Ordinary:

Under this category, Global Financial assists clients in procuring and managing various credit instruments provided by authorized entities such as banks and finance companies. This includes short, medium, and long-term financing, with a focus on facilitating negotiations between lenders and borrowers to determine the cost of capital based on risk assessments.


Finance - Extraordinary:

In the realm of extraordinary finance, Global Financial guides companies in accessing financial resources directly from the capital market, bypassing traditional intermediaries. With the support of experienced consultants and advisors, businesses can efficiently raise debt or equity capital to meet their strategic objectives.

Finance - Facilitated:

Through facilitated finance services, Global Financial helps businesses access non-repayable contributions and other incentives offered by entities such as the European Union, State, Regions, Provinces, and Chambers of Commerce. Leveraging legislative tools to incentivize economic activities, these services enable companies to identify and secure resources for development.



BizBee, provided by Global Financial Co., is a specialized tool designed to meet the unique needs of businesses.

It offers a suite of features including feasibility studies conducted by experienced technicians to identify pertinent regulations, ongoing monitoring of relevant regulations based on company specifications, timely updates on new opportunities, and expert consultancy for investment planning and organization. With BizBee, companies can effectively plan their investments and stay informed about available financial benefits.

It serves as an invaluable resource for businesses seeking to optimize their financial strategies and maintain a competitive edge in the market.


Customer Support

Global Financial Consulting offers robust customer support services to address clients' inquiries and risks promptly.

Clients can reach out via email at or for assistance. Additionally, clients can contact their office directly at via G. Carducci 33, 15057 Tortona (AL).

For further assistance, clients can call their dedicated contact number: 02615680069.

Customer Support


In conclusion, Global Financial offers a wide array of financial services, including services such as acquisition and management of credit instruments, direct access to capital markets, and assistance in accessing non-repayable contributions.

While their experienced consultants and tailored solutions via BizBee provide valuable support, the lack of regulation raises risks about accountability.


Question: What financial services does Global Financial offer?

Answer: Global Financial offers a range of services including credit instrument management, access to capital markets, and assistance in obtaining non-repayable contributions.

Question: Where is Global Financial based?

Answer: Global Financial is headquartered in the Bahamas.

Question: Is Global Financial regulated?

Answer: No, Global Financial operates without regulation.

Broker Information

Company Name

Global Financial Company Limited

Company Abbreviation

Global Financial

Regulatory Status

No Regulation

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Company Summary

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