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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


Australia|5-10 years|
Suspicious Regulatory License|MT4 Full License|Regional Brokers|Australia Investment Advisory License Revoked|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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RusdavLtd-Demo MT4
Server Location United States

The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


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Pyramid scheme complaint


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This platform is a Ponzi Scheme. Please stay away! 5
Previous Detection : 2024-06-02
  • This broker has been verified to be illegal and all of its licences have expired, and it has been listed in WikiFX's Scam Brokers list. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The platform is a Ponzi Scheme, which refers to the use of "principle of value multiplication". In the form of rolling or static fund circulation, it uses the money of next member to pay to the present one, which is essentially a pyramid scheme with the distinction of hidden, deceptive and socially harmful. By calling common person's desire for money, fraudsters in the platform begin raising funds underground. Since this kind of platform mostly will abscond after 1 or 2 years, the fund-raising mode just can exist less than 3 years.

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Pyramid scheme complaint
Unable to Withdraw

The money has not yet arrived ! ! ! !

The withdrawal has not yet arrived! ! ! ! Is there anything wrong with Rusdav. As the platform has exited from the Chinese market, do you know ,the investors on Rusdav, how can I withdraw money! ! ! !

2019-05-22 00:22
Unable to Withdraw

Rusdav took my money and absconded

Under the introduction of my friend, I met an account manager of the Rusdav platform in the southwest region. He assured me that Rusdav had obtained the Australian ASIC's regulatory license, which was very safe (actually the platform's regulatory expired in May 2018), and the company registered a "Rusdav (Shanghai) Information Technology Co., Ltd." in China. I deposited 200,000 yuan from the end of January 2019 and opened multiple accounts to trade on the Rusdav platform. On April 12th, I tried to take out the principal and the profit together, but the money did not arrive. Rusdav issued an e-mail announcement on May 1st, saying that they are going to withdraw from the Chinese market, and then forced all customer to close their positions on May 4th. And they sent an e-mail announcement on May 7th, saying that they will resolve all withdrawal requests before June 14th. After June 14th, all customers in China did not receive their withdrawal money. A total of tens of millions of funds were taken away by the head of Rusdav Forex China, Xiao Long, and other shareholders of the company. And they canceled all the companies in the Chinese currency channel. Rusdav Forex attracts customers to deposit and trade with low fees and spreads, and then abscond after swindling money. I wrote down my personal experience and hope that all investors will learn a lesson.

2019-06-17 01:04
Unable to Withdraw

Rusdav offers no access to withdrawing money

In the morning of May 1, Ruida’ MT4 suddenly couldn't be use via mobile phone. It is said that the platform had been reported, and the police had filed a case. On May 2, I received an mail, saying that the server would be shut down, which causing orders to be closed out forcibly. Most of orders should have been closed out, but now I lost about 500,000 yuan. I withdrew the rest. Now the platform delay the money withdrawn with the excuse of the new regulations of the Australian Regulatory Commission. Money being withdrawn used to arrive after one business day. (Now it has been 10 days since I withdrew the money) This platform does not even have a company phone call, and I can not contact with the customer service personnel on the website. I have sent mails but got no reply. I doubt that the platform is in trouble. The garbage platform!

2019-05-09 18:19

Rusdav put all money into someone else’s pocket.

I opened an account on the Rusdav platform on December 13, 2018, and started to invest in gold/crude/foreign exchange. However, I later checked the bank account and found that all the money I invested was transferred to a company in Qingdao called “Qingdao Yuheng Tongchuang Trading Co., Ltd.”. I have never made any consumption in this company. I have no relationship with it. I intended to use my money for investment, but now it entered that company inexplicably instead of the market, but I have entered... The platform's actions are completely illegal! Now they are ignoring me when I call them. Look at their real face!

2019-03-28 22:13

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