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Hong Kong|5-10 years|
MT4 Full License|Regional Brokers|High potential risk|


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Full License

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HKZhongrongIntl-Demo MT4
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(852)3618 7617


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Previous Detection : 2024-06-03
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

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CENTRAL BULLION · Company Summary

Company Name Central Bullion
Headquarters Hong Kong
Regulations No License
Market Instruments Precious metals, forex, commodities, indices
Leverage N/A
Trading Platforms MT4/5
Customer Support Email:,, and; Phone: (852) 3618 7617 (English) and (852) 9060 3936 (Traditional Chinese & HK)
Educational Resources Basic educational materials, and additional resources recommended for in-depth learning


Central Bullion, headquartered in Hong Kong, is a distinguished brokerage firm specializing in facilitating access to a diverse range of financial markets. With a primary focus on precious metals like gold, silver, platinum, and palladium, it caters to investors seeking tangible asset diversification. Additionally, the brokerage extends its reach into foreign exchange, commodities, and indices, providing clients with a comprehensive spectrum of investment opportunities.

Is CENTRAL BULLION legit or a scam?

Central Bullion, based in Hong Kong, operates without specific regulation or licensing. Traders should be aware that the broker lacks a formal regulatory framework overseeing its operations. In such cases, it becomes especially crucial for traders to conduct comprehensive research and due diligence before engaging with Central Bullion.

 Is CENTRAL BULLION legit or a scam?

This includes reviewing customer feedback, assessing potential risks, and considering factors like transparency, customer support, and the broker's overall reputation. It's important to exercise caution and seek advice from financial experts or regulatory authorities if there are any doubts or concerns about trading with an unregulated broker.

Pros and Cons


  • Specialization in Precious Metals: Central Bullion places a strong emphasis on trading precious metals like gold, silver, platinum, and palladium. This focus can be advantageous for investors seeking exposure to tangible assets known for their stability and value retention.

  • User-Friendly & Advanced Platform: The brokerage provides a user-friendly platform equipped with advanced features. Traders benefit from real-time market data and robust charting tools, enabling them to make well-informed trading decisions.

  • Strategic Location in Hong Kong: Being headquartered in Hong Kong, a major financial hub, Central Bullion enjoys a strategic advantage. This location facilitates easy access to global markets, enhancing opportunities for traders.

  • Regulatory Compliance Commitment: Central Bullion demonstrates a commitment to regulatory compliance, instilling trust and confidence in its clients. Adherence to regulatory standards is crucial for ensuring a secure trading environment.

  • Potential for Precious Metals Diversification: With a primary focus on precious metals, Central Bullion offers a unique avenue for portfolio diversification. This can be particularly appealing to investors seeking to balance their portfolios with tangible assets.


  • Limited Instrument Diversity: While Central Bullion excels in precious metals trading, its primary focus in this niche may restrict the diversity of tradable instruments. Traders looking for a wider range of asset classes may find this aspect limiting.

  • Education Resources Scope: The educational resources provided by Central Bullion, while present, might benefit from a more comprehensive approach. This is especially relevant for novice traders who may require extensive learning materials to navigate the complexities of the financial markets effectively.

  • Platform Customization Options: While the platform offered by Central Bullion is advanced, some traders may prefer a higher degree of customization. Additional options for tailoring the platform to individual preferences could enhance the overall trading experience for certain users.

Pros Cons
Specialization in precious metals Limited instrument diversity
User-friendly & advanced platform Scope of educational resources
Strategic location in Hong Kong Limited platform customization options
Regulatory compliance commitment
Potential for precious metals diversification

Market Instruments

Central Bullion primarily focuses on providing access to precious metals markets. This includes trading opportunities in gold, silver, platinum, and palladium. Additionally, clients may have the option to explore other financial instruments such as forex, commodities, and indices. This diverse range of market instruments allows traders to potentially diversify their portfolios and engage in various trading strategies. However, for the most current and specific information on the market instruments available with Central Bullion, it is recommended to contact their customer support directly.

Market Instruments

How to open an account in CENTRAL BULLION?

Opening an account with Central Bullion is a straightforward process that involves a few key steps.

  1. Visit their official website.

  2. Look for this option on the homepage and click on it.

  3. Fill in your name, contact information, and other required details.

  4. Submit the necessary identification documents.

  5. Read and agree to the terms and conditions.

  6. Add the initial funds to your account to start trading.

Spread and Commission Fees

Central Bullion offers competitive spreads and transparent fee structures. However, the specific details of spreads and commission fees can vary depending on the type of account and the financial instruments being traded. Traders should also be aware of any potential additional charges or fees that may apply to certain types of trades or account activities. Understanding the fee structure is essential for traders to effectively manage their costs and make informed trading decisions.


Central Bullion offers traders the option to utilize leverage, a tool that allows them to control larger positions with a relatively smaller amount of capital. However, it's important to approach leverage with caution as it amplifies both potential profits and losses. The specific levels of leverage provided by Central Bullion may vary based on the type of trading account and the financial instruments being traded. Traders should exercise prudence and ensure they fully comprehend the associated risks before employing leverage in their trading strategies. Additionally, it's worth noting that regulations regarding leverage may differ depending on the jurisdiction and regulatory framework in which Central Bullion operates.

Trading Platform

Central Bullion offers a robust trading platform, including popular options like MetaTrader 4 (MT4) or MetaTrader 5 (MT5). These platforms are well-regarded for their intuitive interfaces, advanced charting tools, and technical analysis capabilities. The inclusion of a full license implies a higher level of commitment to providing a comprehensive and reliable trading environment.

This suggests that Central Bullion's technology and infrastructure are likely well-established, contributing to a smoother trading experience for their clients. Moreover, the promise of follow-up technical support indicates a dedication to assisting traders with any platform-related issues they may encounter.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

The available deposit and withdrawal methods for Central Bullion have not been specified on their official website. This lack of detail can pose challenges for traders who rely on specific payment methods for their trading activities. It is crucial for traders to reach out directly to Central Bullion's customer support to obtain accurate and up-to-date information on deposit and withdrawal options. This will enable traders to plan their financial transactions effectively and ensure a seamless trading experience.

Customer Support

CENTRAL BULLION offers a variety of customer support channels to cater to the diverse needs of its clients. They provide multiple email addresses, including,, and, allowing clients to conveniently reach out for assistance and inquiries.

Moreover, CENTRAL BULLION extends its customer support via telephone, with dedicated contact numbers available for both English-speaking clients at (852) 3618 7617 and those preferring Traditional Chinese in Hong Kong at (852) 9060 3936. This multilingual approach ensures that clients can seek support and clarification in the language they are most comfortable with, enhancing the accessibility and responsiveness of their customer service.

Educational Resources

Central Bullion provides some educational resources to assist traders in enhancing their knowledge and skills. These resources include articles, tutorials, webinars, and possibly video content covering various aspects of trading. However, it's important to note that the extent and depth of these educational materials can vary widely among brokers. Traders are advised to contact their customer support for specific details on the educational resources available.


Central Bullion, a brokerage firm based in Hong Kong, specializes primarily in trading precious metals like gold, silver, platinum, and palladium. They also extend their offerings to encompass forex, commodities, and indices, providing traders diverse market instruments. The broker is known for its user-friendly and technologically advanced trading platform, which equips traders with real-time market data and advanced charting tools for making informed decisions.

However, it's important to note that Central Bullion operates without specific regulatory oversight, which can be a concern for some traders. This absence of a regulatory framework may raise questions about the level of investor protection and oversight of the broker's operations. As a result, traders considering Central Bullion should exercise due diligence and carefully assess their risk tolerance before engaging in trading activities with the broker. It is recommended to seek advice from financial experts and conduct thorough research before trading with Central Bullion.


Q: What is the regulatory status of Central Bullion?

A: Not regulated.

Q: What types of market instruments are available?

A: Primarily precious metals, plus forex, commodities, and indices.

Q: How is customer support handled?

A: Three different emails and multilingual phone support during trading hours.

Q: What is the trading platform offered by Central Bullion?

A: Advanced with real-time data and efficient order options.

Q: Are there educational resources available?

A: Basic materials are provided, and additional resources are recommended for in-depth learning.

Broker Information

Company Name


Company Abbreviation


Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

Hong Kong

Company website
Phone of the company
  • (852)3618 7617

  • (852)9060 3936









Company address










Customer Service Email Address



Company Summary

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