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London & Oxford

United Kingdom|Above 20 years|
Market Making(MM)|Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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Influence index NO.1

Spain 4.33

Surpassed 81.01% brokers

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+44 (0)20 3746 5800
4 Moorgate, London EC2R 6DA.


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London & Oxford · Company Summary

London & Oxford Basic Information
Company Name London & Oxford
Founded 1993
Headquarters United Kingdom
Regulations Regulated in United Kingdom
Products and Services Real Estate, Technology, Wealth Management
Real Estate Investment Portfolio 80% commercial properties, 20% residential properties
Technology Investment Portfolio Pomelo Pay, Orbit, Noogata, Zero Carbon Farms, Limejump
Customer Support Phone: +44(0)2037465800, Email:
Education Resources News Updates, possibly related to real estate market trends, property management, and investment activities

Overview of London & Oxford

London & Oxford, established in 1993 and headquartered in the United Kingdom, is a diversified company specializing in real estate, technology, and wealth management. Regulated within the UK, the company manages a balanced investment portfolio, with a significant emphasis on commercial properties complemented by residential holdings. Through ventures like Pomelo Pay, Orbit, Noogata, Zero Carbon Farms, and Limejump, London & Oxford explores innovative solutions in technology, particularly within fintech, AI, and green energy sectors. Committed to client satisfaction, they offer accessible customer support via phone and email, while also providing educational resources through news updates, likely covering various aspects of real estate, property management, and investment strategies.

Overview of London & Oxford

Is London & Oxford Legit?

Both London & Oxford fall under the regulatory jurisdiction of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the United Kingdom. They are regulated entities holding a Market Making (MM) license. The FCA is responsible for overseeing financial markets and ensuring compliance with regulations to protect consumers and maintain market integrity. The specific license number for these entities is 163299. This indicates that they are authorized to engage in market making activities under the regulatory framework provided by the FCA.

Is London & Oxford Legit?

Pros and Cons

London & Oxford offers a diversified portfolio across real estate, technology, and wealth management, with a strong focus on client satisfaction. However, it faces vulnerabilities to market fluctuations in real estate investments and limited transparency in investment strategies. Despite these challenges, its investments in innovative technology ventures showcase a forward-thinking approach.

Pros Cons
  • Diversified services covering real estate, technology, and wealth management.
  • Vulnerable to market fluctuations affecting real estate investments.
  • Investments in innovative technology ventures like Pomelo Pay and Limejump.
  • Limited transparency on investment strategies and performance.
  • Strong emphasis on client support and satisfaction.
  • Educational resources may lack depth and breadth.

Products and Services

London & Oxford offers services in real estate, technology, and wealth management, providing expertise in property investment, tech solutions for real estate, and comprehensive wealth management.

Products and Services

Real Estate Investment Portfolio

London & Oxford's real estate investment portfolio comprises approximately £850 million in property assets under management. This includes both commercial and residential properties, with a split of 80% commercial and 20% residential. Their track record showcases completed transactions totaling over £650 million in commercial properties and £200 million in residential properties.

Real Estate Investment Portfolio

Technology Investment Portfolio

London & Oxford's technology investment portfolio encompasses diverse sectors including fintech, AI technology, agricultural technology, and green energy. Investments include Pomelo Pay in fintech, Orbit and Noogata in AI technology, Zero Carbon Farms in agricultural technology, and Limejump in green energy leveraging AI.

Technology Investment Portfolio

Wealth Management Step

London & Oxford's wealth management process involves four key steps:

  1. Identifying Your Values and Objectives: Understanding clients' values and financial goals.

  2. Building Your Financial Plan: Developing a personalized financial plan tailored to clients' objectives and circumstances.

  3. Choosing an Investment Strategy: Selecting an appropriate investment strategy aligned with clients' risk tolerance and objectives.

  4. Creating Customized Solutions: Implementing tailored wealth management solutions to help clients achieve their financial goals effectively.

Wealth Management Step
Wealth Management Step

Customer Support

London & Oxford offers customer support via phone and email, reachable at +44(0)20 3746 5800 and, located at 4 Moorgate, London, EC2R 6DA.

Customer Support

Educational Resources

London & Oxford's educational resources consist of news updates on significant events such as property refurbishments, tenant acquisitions, and key personnel appointments. These resources offer insights into real estate market trends and business developments, serving as valuable learning material for individuals interested in the real estate industry.

Educational Resources


In conclusion, London & Oxford presents a multifaceted business model with diversified services in real estate, technology, and wealth management, alongside a strong emphasis on client satisfaction. Investments in innovative technology ventures such as Pomelo Pay and Limejump reflect a forward-thinking approach. However, the company faces challenges, notably vulnerability to market fluctuations affecting real estate investments and limited transparency in investment strategies. Additionally, potential shortcomings in educational resources could impact informed decision-making. Despite these drawbacks, London & Oxford's established track record and client-centric focus position it well for continued growth and success in the dynamic market landscape.


Q: What services does London & Oxford offer?

A: London & Oxford provides a range of offerings spanning real estate, technology, and wealth management sectors, catering to diverse client needs.

Q: How does London & Oxford ensure client satisfaction?

A: London & Oxford places a strong emphasis on client support and satisfaction, offering accessible channels for communication and engagement to address client needs effectively.

Q: Can you provide examples of London & Oxford's technology investments?

A: London & Oxford has invested in innovative technology ventures such as Pomelo Pay and Limejump, reflecting its commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements.

Q: How does London & Oxford manage its real estate portfolio?

A: London & Oxford manages its real estate portfolio by maintaining a balanced mix of commercial and residential properties, adapting to market trends and client demands.

Q: What regulatory oversight does London & Oxford operate under?

A: London & Oxford operates under regulatory oversight by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the United Kingdom, ensuring compliance with applicable regulations to protect client interests.

Risk Warning

Online trading involves significant risk, and you may lose all of your invested capital. It is not suitable for all traders or investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information provided in this review may be subject to change due to the constant updating of the company's services and policies. In addition, the date on which this review was generated may also be an important factor to consider, as information may have changed since then. Therefore, readers are advised to always verify updated information directly with the company before making any decision or taking any action. Responsibility for the use of the information provided in this review rests solely with the reader.

Broker Information

Company Name

London & Oxford Group

Company Abbreviation

London & Oxford

Regulatory Status


Platform registered country and region

United Kingdom

Company website
Phone of the company
  • +44 (0)20 3746 5800









Company address
  • 4 Moorgate, London EC2R 6DA.







Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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