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Bet On Markets

Malta|2-5 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


Rating Index


+356 21316105 / 21335161
4th & 6th floors 53 Dingli Street Sliema, SLM09 Malta


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

VPS Standard
No restriction on the broker account. Support service provided by WikiFX

Single Core



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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 2
Previous Detection : 2024-06-03
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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Bet On Markets · Company Summary

Risk Warning

Online trading involves significant risk, and you may lose all of your invested capital. It is not suitable for all traders or investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information contained in this article is for general information purposes only.

General Information & Regulation

Feature Detail
Regulation No Regulation
Market Instrument financial betting on forex currency pairs, UK and US stocks and indexes
Account Type N/A
Demo Account yes
Maximum Leverage N/A
Spread N/A
Commission N/A
Trading Platform N/A
Minimum Deposit varies according to each deposit method
Deposit & Withdrawal Method Credit/Debit Cards | e-Gold | Goldmoney | Nochex | Neteller | Wire Transfers | Bank Drafts | Western Union | Money Gram

Bet On Markets, a trading name of Fixed-Odds Financial Bet On Markets, is allegedly a financial services company registered in Malta that claims to provide its clients with financial betting on various assets via real and virtual accounts. Here is the home page of this brokers official site:

General Information & Regulation

As for regulation, it has been verified that Bet On Markets currently has no valid regulation. That is why its regulatory status on WikiFX is listed as “No License” and receives a relatively low score of 1.34/10. Please be aware of the risk.

General Information & Regulation

Market Instruments

Bet On Markets advertises that it offers financial betting on selected forex currency pairs, UK and US stocks and the main global index markets.

Account Types

Bet On Markets claims to offer real and virtual accounts. Virtual accounts are credited with $10,000 virtual dollars. The minimum real account size is $25 and the maximum account size is $25,000. Traders are allowed to have some virtual accounts but only one real account.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Bet On Markets says that you can fund your account using a wide variety of methods including Credit/Debit Cards, e-Gold, Goldmoney, Nochex, Neteller, Wire Transfers, Bank Drafts, Western Union and Money Gram.

There is no charge for opening an account and the minimum deposit varies according to each deposit method. For example, the minimum deposit with e-Gold is $10, while the minimum deposit with a Credit Card is $20.

Customer Support

Bet On Markets customer support can be reached by telephone: +356 21316105 / 21335161, Fax +356 21315791. Company address: 4th & 6th floors 53 Dingli Street Sliema, SLM09 Malta.

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
• Virtual accounts offered • No regulation
• Multiple payment options • Trading condition disclosed

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q 1: Is Bet On Markets regulated?
A 1: No. It has been verified that Bet On Markets currently has no valid regulation.
Q 2: Does Bet On Markets offer demo accounts?
A 2: Yes. Traders are allowed to have some virtual accounts.
Q 3: What is the minimum deposit for Bet On Markets
A 3: The minimum deposit varies according to each deposit method. For example, the minimum deposit with e-Gold is $10, while the minimum deposit with a Credit Card is $20.
Q 4: Is Bet On Market a good broker for beginners?
A 4: No. Bet On Market is not a good choice for beginners. Although it offers risk-free virtual accounts and the minimum initial deposit amount is friendly for beginners, the lack of a legitimate regulation is the truth.

Broker Information

Company Name

Fixed-Odds Financial Bet On Markets

Company Abbreviation

Bet On Markets

Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region


Phone of the company
  • +356 21316105 / 21335161









Company address
  • 4th & 6th floors 53 Dingli Street Sliema, SLM09 Malta









Customer Service Email Address


Company Summary

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Sermsak Chaengnet
more than one year
I feel that I am making progress now after my great losses. I am happy with my account manager at Bet On Markets. He is punctual and patient which I need and I must be a real test for him because he is someone who is taking the time to explain the trading process to me. I hope I can master the techniques on offer.
2023-03-15 14:40
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